Release Notes

Dell Wyse ThinOS 8.5_009 | 42
INI Parameter
*If type is set to 4, it will play video residing in the video link address
The optional parameter VideoLink is to specify the video link
address of video file. Http link such as is supported, and mp4 video format
is supported.
The optional parameter VideoSpan is to specify the video display
mode in the screen. If Dual head is in span mode and
VideoSpan=yes, it is spanned in all the screens. If
VideoSpan=no, it is displayed in the main screen.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday}]*
This option is set to enable the time and day for the system to turn
on automatically.
If the value No is specified the system does not automatically start
at the time specified in AutoPowerTime and AutoPowerDays.
If the value Yes is specified the system starts at the time specified
in AutoPowerTime and AutoPowerDays.
[AutoPowerTime=hh:mm:ss] in the INI settings refers to the BIOS
system time and not the ThinOS system time.
The time
This option specifies auto power on time, value range of hh is 0 - 23
while mm and ss is 0 - 59.
[AutoPowerDays={Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday}]
This option specifies the days to turn on the system automatically.
For example, Device=Cmos AutoPowerDate=yes
[NewPasswordEnc=password en
*[CurrentPassword= password NewPassword = password]
This option is used to change device's BIOS password
(CurrentPassword is not required if device's BIOS password is not
existed). The Max count of password string is 19 bytes.
[CurrentPasswordEnc=password encrypted]
This option is used to provide encrypted current password.
[NewPasswordEnc=password encrypted]
This option is used to provide encrypted new password.
Note: Password encrypted will be higher priority.
example, If CurrentPassword and CurrentPasswordEnc both config
ured, CurrentPasswordEnc will overwrite the CurrentPassword.
[PXEBootSupport={yes, no}] ]*
[PXEBootSupport={yes, no}]
If yes is specified, devices allows OS to boot
from PXE. If no is specified, OS cannot boot device from PXE.
[USBBootSupport={yes, no}]*
[USBBootSupport={yes, no}]
If yes is specified, devices allows OS to boot
from USB port. If no is specified, OS cannot boot device from
USB port.
Note: USB keyboard and mouse always work regardless of
specified or not.
Action={extract, restore}*
For extract action, CMOS content is saved to file $PF_cmos.$VER
($PF name of Dell BIOS platform, including X10 and A10Q)