Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 22. Parameters for a xen.ini File (continued)
Parameter Description
[FlipByTimer={0, 1}]
[Timeout={Yes, No}]
[PasswordExpireNotify={yes, no}]
[RefreshPopupNotice={yes, no}]
[DisableReceiverLogo={Yes, No}]
[MMRClientFetchDisabled={Yes, No}]
it is remote, the system menu will come from the remote server;
otherwise, it will be the local menu.
SessionReliability Default is no. Yes/no option to enable
session reliability.
WarnPopup If WarnPopup=no, the option can disable the
warning message when session reliability happens in order to
decrease the administrative support calls.
ondesktop This option specifies the connections that are
displayed on the desktop. It enhances ondesktop options for
SessionConfig=ICA so that the VDI brokers can work with
ondesktop options too.
If AutoConnectList is set in the VDIServer statement, all
connections configured in AutoConnectList parameter are
The connections show on desktop as default.
The connections can be controlled by using the values available.
The connection is added to the connection manage list even if
the connection is not displayed on the desktop.
all - show all, same as default none - don't show any desktops
- only show desktops applications - only show applications The
others will be handled as a ondesktop_list. For example, if set
ondesktop="word; excel", only show the applications "word" and
alldisplay all connections.
noneno connections are displayed.
desktopsdisplay only the desktop connections.
applications display only applications, the connections
are handled as an ondesktop_list. For example, if you set
ondesktop=word; excel, then only the applications word and excel
are displayed.
The ondesktop_list also supports wildcard when the star * is
used, similar to the AutoConnectList parameter in VDIServer. For
example, if the value is set as ondesktop=*IE*, any application
which includes the string IE is displayed.
AudioQuality Default is default. Specifies the audio quality of
ICA sessions.
Medium quality is recommended for Speech scenarios.
For example: SessionConfig=ICA AudioQuality=high
USBRedirection Default is ICA|HDX. Option to select the
channel of usb devices redirection. This option is recommended to
replace the older setting device=vusb type={TCX, HDX}.
ZLKeyboardMode Specifies to accelerate the display of the
input text on the client device over a high latency connection.
0=off, 1=on, 2=auto
ZLMouseMode Specifies to accelerate the visual feedback for
mouse-clicks on the client device over a high latency connection.
0=off, 1=on, 2=auto
SucConnTimeout This option will enhance the seamless session
share. During the first session logon, immediately start second or
later sessions, which will wait for the time set with SucConnTimeout
(or the logon success) to make sure new applications share with the
first logon session.
Creating and Using xen.ini Files