Deployment Guide

Table 14. RDP connect options (continued)
Option Description
RDPAudioRecord={no, yes}
Default is no.
Yes/no option to specify whether users can record audio to
the server. This requires a Windows 7 Server.
Rdp_No_Animation={no, yes}
Default is no.
Yes/no option to disable the Menu and Window animation
feature; use yes to disable the feature.
Rdp_No_Dragging={no, yes}
Default is no.
Yes/no option to disable the Show content when dragging a
window feature; use yes to disable the feature.
Rdp_No_Fontsmoothing={no, yes}
Default is no.
Yes/no option to disable the Font smoothing feature; use yes
to disable the feature.
Rdp_No_Theme={no, yes}
Default is no.
Yes/no option to disable the Theme feature; use yes to disable
the feature.
Rdp_No_Wallpaper={no, yes}
Default is no.
Yes/no option to disable the Wallpaper feature; use yes to
disable the feature.
Reconnect={no, yes, 1 to 3600 (seconds)} Default is no.
Controls automatic reconnection to an application after a
server disconnection.
yes Use to restart the connection; the default delay time
for yes reconnect is 20 seconds.
no Use to prevent reconnection after a disconnect.
1 to 3600 Use an integer value of 1 to 3600 seconds to
restart the connection after the delay you want. For example,
use 50 and the automatic reconnection to an application will
occur after 50 seconds.
Resolution=[default, <monitor resolution>] Default is default.
Specifies the connection display resolution.
default Starts the connection using the current desktop
display setting with no window frame and border.
<monitor resolution> Resolution values you can use in the
form XxY. For example: 1024 x 768 depend on your client. See
the Release Notes for your client.
If Using DualHead=Yes and setting this resolution value
to Default will start the RDP session in Span Mode. If
you want to use only the fullscreen of one monitor use
Resolution=DDC. This option is ignored if Fullscreen=Yes
Smartcards={no, yes}
Default is no.
104 Connect Parameter: Options