Deployment Guide

Table 6. Connection Settings: wnos.ini files only (continued)
Parameter Description
[Encrypt={yes, no}]
If Proxy=yes, the option AppList must be followed. It specifies
which applications are applied to connect through proxy.
WMS, CCM, FR, and RTME are supported. The application
name is separated with semicolon.
NOTE: Wyse Management Suite is the successor to Cloud
Client Manager (CCM).
The following options are used to configure one or several
proxy server setting. The option Type specifies the proxy
protocol including http, https and socks5. The option Server
specifies the url of the proxy server. The option User and
Password specify the credentials of this proxy server. The
option Encrypt specifies if the password is encrypted or not.
The option User and Password can support system variables.
Because CCM runs before sign on, it is not appropriate to use
$UN and $PW.
If Type=Global, the proxy settings are saved into http proxy
setting, and the https and socks5 proxy settings use the same
setting as http proxy. And the followed proxy settings will be
For example,
Proxy=yes AppList=fr \
Type=http Server=server1:1234 user=$UN password=$PW
Proxy=yes AppList=ccm \
Type=http Server=server1:1234 user=abc password=xyz \
Type=socks5 Server=server2:4321 user=abc password=1234
Proxy=yes AppList=ccm;fr;rtme \
Type=Global Server=server_global user=user_global
password=password_global_encrypted Encrypt=yes
RapportDisable={yes, no}
[DHCPinform={yes, no}]
[DNSLookup={yes, no}]
[QuickMode={yes, no}]
yes, no}]
[SecurityMode={default, full, warning, low}]
Set to yes to disable the Rapport agent.
If RapportDisable=no, the Rapport agent is enabled and you
can discover the WDM server by the following ways:
1. The DHCP option tag values received from standard or
WDM proxy DHCP service for vendor class RTIAgent
2. DNS service location record "_wdmserver._tcp"
3. DNS host name lookup "wdmserver"
If RapportDisable=no, set DHCPinform=yes to perform the
WDM server discovery as mentioned in number 1; set
DNSLookup=yes to perform the WDM server discovery as
mentiomned in number 2 and 3.
If QuickMode=yes is specified, rapport agent will not block
any other process during ThinOS boot up, and boot time of
ThinOS will speed up.
NOTE: If file server is changed by WDM server, device
will reboot automatically to make sure all settings from
WDM server take effect. Default is yes.
Parameters for wnos INI files only 31