Deployment Guide

Table 7. General Settings: wnos.ini files, {username} INI, and $MAC INI Files (continued)
Parameter Description
For usage of this feature, there should be a special INI user name like "cmos".
The associated ini/cmos.ini should include one line as "Device=DellCmos
Action=extract" (Pleaset note: "Device=DellCmos Action=extract" is not
suggested to be written in global INI file, like wnos.ini, and it will take no
effect if it has been written in global INI file). And "CurrentPassword" is must
be required if device's BIOS password is existed regardless extract or restore
e.g: Device=DellCmos CurrentPassword= xxxxx Action=restore
After the administrator configured the CMOS on a template unit, the
administrator should sign on to "cmos" account on WTOS to get the CMOS
content saved to the cmos file on writable File Server wnos directory.
Then, the wnos.ini should be configured with "Device=DellCmos
action=restore", so all target units will get updated with the same CMOS
setting as template unit after reboot.
Once the restore action is finished, both the "Device=DellCmos Action=extract"
and "Device=DellCmos action=restore" must be removed from the related INI
The usage of other settings is self-explanatory. The only condition to use the
setting is the BIOS GUI has such settings.
vid_pid={device vid/pin hex format}
Specify the WTOS to trace USB device data to ftp or USB disk. For "vid_pid",
device Vendor ID and Product ID hex value, and VID is high 16 bit while Product
ID is low 16 bit.
Allows to trace maximum of eight devices at one time. For "max_len", set a max
len for capturing each USB transfer data. Default value is 128. After you set
this, you need to set option in Trouble shooting to start tracing the USB device
FactoryDefault={no, yes}
Default is no.
Yes/no option to reset the system settings to factory default. This parameter,
when set to yes, is only initialized once for each firmware change; however, you
can set to no and then reboot so the option will be initialized again.
If the FactoryDefault parameter value is changed to yes, the thin client will
reboot without notice to the user.
For {username}.ini file only. Specifies to include another INI file at the
position of this parameter. Only one level of including is allowed (no nesting)
and only for a {username}.ini file.
KeySequence={no, yes}
[Ctrl+Alt+Del={no, yes}]
[Ctrl+Alt+Down={no, yes}]
[Ctrl+Alt+Left={no, yes}]
[Ctrl+Alt+Right={no, yes}]
KeySequence Yes/no option to enable the following supported combined
keys options.
KeySequence=yes enables all of these options, each having a default of yes or
no as noted that you can change individually to the setting desired.
KeySequence=no disables all of these options regardless of the individual
Ctrl+Alt+Del Default is no. Yes/no option to enable Ctrl+Alt+Del to lock
the thin client if the user is logged in with a password. If the user is logged in
without a password, this key sequence does not work.
Ctrl+Alt+Up Default is yes. Yes/no option to enable Ctrl+Alt+Up to toggle
a session between fullscreen and window mode.
Ctrl+Alt+Down Default is yes. Yes/no option to enable Ctrl+Alt+Down to
toggle between task selections.
Parameters for wnos INI, {username} INI, and $MAC INI files 49