Administrator Guide

Printer—Allows conguration of network printers and local printers that are connected to the thin client. For more
information, see Conguring the printer settings.
b System Information—Provides thin client system information. See Accessing system information.
c System Tools—Provides information about devices, certicates, packages, global INI, user INI, wdm or ccm.ini. See System
d Troubleshooting options—Displays Performance Monitor graphs that display client CPU, Memory and Networking information,
Trace and Event log settings, CMOS management extract and restore settings, and other options that are useful for ThinOS
troubleshooting. For more information, See
Using the troubleshooting options and System tools.
e Applications—Contains a submenu of all locally congured applications and is populated with published applications when a user
is signed on using either PNLite or PNAgent.
f Shutdown—Opens the Sign-o/LockTerminal/Shutdown/Restart the System dialog box. See Signing o and shutting down.
Using the Connection Manager
To use the Connection Manager:
1 Click Connect Manager on the Taskbar.
The Connect Manager has a list of connection entries and a set of command buttons available for use with the connections.
Non-privileged users cannot view the Connect Manager.
The Connection Manager dialog box is displayed.
2 In the Connection Manager dialog box, use the following buttons to congure the Connection Manager settings:
a Click Connect to select a connection from the list and make a connection.
b Click New to open the Connection Settings dialog box either directly or through the Connection Protocol menu selection for
creating a new connection denition.
The locally dened connections are added to the connection list. Be aware of the following information:
High-privileged userTypically, all locally dened connection denitions are temporary and are lost when the user logs o
and when the thin client restarts or is shut down. However, if congured by an administrator (enablelocal=yes), locally
dened connection denitions can be saved in these cases.
Stand-alone user—Locally dened connections are retained when the thin client restarts or is shut down and there is no
individual logon. Network conguration settings must be made locally.
c Click Properties to open the Connection Settings dialog box for the selected connection.
Be aware of the following information:
High-privileged user—Can view and edit the denitions for the currently selected connection. Edits are not permanently
retained when the user signs-o.
Low-privileged user—Cannot create or edit connections, but can view connection denitions.
Stand-alone user—Can permanently modify the persistent connections except when PNAgent/PNLite services are used.
d Click Sign-o to sign o from the thin client.
e Select a connection from the list, and click delete to delete the selected connection.
f Select a Virtual connection from the list, and click Reset VM to reset a selected virtual connection.
g Click Global Connection Settings tab to open and use the Global Connection Settings dialog box to congure settings that
aect all the connections in the list.
Login dialog box features
While the Login dialog box allows you to log on to the server, it also allows you to:
Obtain system information.
Access Admin Mode to congure thin client settings.
Change or reset your own password, and unlock your account.
Open the Shutdown dialog box by using CTRL+ALT+DELETE.
Getting started