Administrator Guide

Parameter Description
The INI openconnect enables you to connect to Cisco AnyConnect VPN
servers, that use standard TLS protocols for data transport.
Description species the session name. The length of the string is limited
to 21 characters.
Server species the VPN server IP or the VPN server name. The length
of the string is limited to 63 characters.
Username species the login username. The length of the string is limited
to 31 characters.
Password species the login password. The length of the string is limited
to 31 characters.
Autoconnect species the option to enable or disable auto-connect on
system startup.
Username-encSpecies AES encrypted Login Username
Password-encSpecies AES encrypted Login Password
FolderSpecies the grouping of connections. Displays the folder on
ThinOS Lite desktop only if the mode is classic mode and the parameter
signon is set as signon=yes icongroupstyle=folder. The folder can include
sub folders.
WDMFlash=ash_size The specied value will be saved into NVRAM, and then reports to the
WDM server. This statement ensures that all the units would function
with DDC regardless of ash size. This statement is valid for all platforms
and replaces the previous S10WDMFlash statement.
WakeOnLAN={yes, no}
Default is yes.
Wake-on-LAN allows a ThinOS Lite to be turned on or woken up by a
network message.
If WakeOnLAN=yes, ThinOS Lite will respond for the Wake-On-LAN
packet for a remote wake up.
If WakeOnLAN=no, ThinOS Lite will not respond for the Wake-On-LAN
NOTE: To use the WakeOnLAN parameter with a ThinOS Lite,
the ThinOS Lite must use BIOS version 1.0B_SPC001 or later.
[Priority ={WDM, WMS, “WDM;WMS”, “WMS;WDM”}]
[interval = {0-65535}]
[disableNotice={yes, no}]
[disableCancel={yes, no}]
[enableReminder={yes, no}]
WDA Service always runs in the background. If priority is available, WDA
discovers the protocol according to it.
PriorityThere are only two protocols available now - WDM, and Wyse
Management Suite. For example, if priority=WDM; WDM, WDA tries to
discover the WDM server and tries to check-in, and if it fails to check-in
to WDM server, it tries to check-in the device to Wyse Management
Suite server.
interval—If interval is available, WDA rediscovery delay after a failed
check-in (both Wyse Management Suite and WDM failed) is changed to
interval minutes. The default value is 0. (WDA rediscovery delay is 24
For example, if you set WDAService=yes interval=30, WDA rediscovery
delay is set as 30 minutes.
228 Creating and Using xen.ini Files