Setup Guide

General settings for wnos.ini files, {username} INI,
and $MAC INI files
The following table contains the parameters used for configuring general settings. The underlined values are defaults.
Table 7. General Settings: wnos.ini files, {username} INI, and $MAC INI Files
* Global overrides identically-named user
** After sign off, user profile returns to
global value
AdminMode={no, yes}
[admin-username=<encrypted_ username>]
[admin-password=<encrypted_ password>]
AdminMode Default is no. Yes/no option to use the username and the
password to obtain a high thin client configuration when the privilege parameter
level is set to high (Privilege=high).
admin-username Specifies if admin-username=encrypted_username, then
encrypted strings are used for admin-username; no minimum length; maximum
length is 30 characters15 characters convert to 30 characters encrypted.
admin-password Specifies if admin-password=encrypted_password, then
encrypted strings are used for admin-password; no minimum length; maximum
length is 30 characters15 characters convert to 30 characters encrypted.
Enc-username Specifies if the username is encrypted, and encrypted
strings are used for the Enc-username.
Enc-password Specifies if the password is encrypted, and encrypted
strings are used for the Enc-password.
The AdminMode items are on the right-click menu.
username Specifies the username; no minimum length; maximum length
is 15 characters.
password Specifies the password; no minimum length; maximum length
is 15 characters.
BootOrder={PXE, HardDisk, USB}
BootOrder Sets the boot order for the BIOS. The boot order must follow
these rules:
1. The boot order is a list of these three options separated by a semi-colon (;)
or a comma (,).
2. Every option must be used.
3. The options must be different.
For example, the following settings are valid:
However, the following settings are invalid:
If the first boot order is not HardDisk, the system restart will boot from the
BIOS setting.
44 Parameters for wnos INI, {username} INI, and $MAC INI files