Setup Guide

Table 9. Connection Settings: wnos.ini files, {username} INI, and $MAC INI files (continued)
VDIBroker Specifies the VDI broker server; supports both
http and https.
If the vdi_broker_url does not start with http or https, the
default protocol used is http. For an https connection, only
one URL is accepted.
If the VDIBroker parameter value is changed, the thin
client will reboot without notice to the user so it can
reconnect to the new server.
AutoConnectList Specifies the VDI or VDM host which
will be automatically started when using VDI or VDM sign-
on. If the value is *, all of the VDI or VDM hosts
will automatically be connected. The autoconnectlist is the
connection description which can use the wildcard * to match
the string.
Specifies the Virtual Center Server that supports both http
and https. If the virtual_center_url does not start with http or
https, the default protocol used is http.
If a VirtualCenter in an INI file is different from the original
URL, the thin client will reboot for the new URL to take
Only this setting can enable the Virtual Center functions.
**VNCPrompt={no, yes}
[{Accept, Reject}={10 to 600} (seconds)]
no, yes}]
[ActiveVisible={no, yes}]
Default is yes.
VNCPrompt Yes/no option to enable a VNC shadowing
prompt to a user. VNCPrompt set to yes means the user will
always be prompted before shadowing starts and the user will
then decline or accept VNC shadowing;
VNCPrompt set to no means the user will not be able
to decline or accept shadowing. See also MaxVNCD in
Connection Settings for wnos.ini files only to enable VNC
See also VncPassword in Connection Settings for wnos.ini
Files Only to specify a string of up to 8 characters as the
password used for shadowing.
Accept, Reject Default is 10. Specifies the amount of
time (in seconds) a user has to accept or reject the VNC
shadowing prompt before the client desktop is shadowed.
ViewOnly Default is no. Yes/no option to specify that the
desktop being shadowed can only be viewed by the person
who is shadowing; no keyboard or mouse events are allowed
to interfere with the thin client being shadowed.
ActiveVisible Default is no. Yes/no option to display a
VNC session-end notice after the VNC session ends.
The INI parameter openconnect enables you to connect
to Cisco AnyConnect VPN servers, that use standard TLS
protocols for data transport.
Description Specifies the session name. The length of the
string is limited to 21 characters.
Parameters for wnos INI, {username} INI, and $MAC INI files 87