Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 15. Entrust_G2.crt Certificate details
Certificate field Default value/format
Issuer Entrust Root Certification Authority
CN=Entrust Root Certification AuthorityG2
OU=(c) 2009 Entrust, Inc. For authorized use only
O=Entrust, Inc.
Valid from 20090707 17:25:54
Valid to 20301207 17:55:54
Subject Entrust Root Certification Authority
CN=Entrust Root Certification AuthorityG2
OU=(c) 2009 Entrust, Inc. For authorized use only
O=Entrust, Inc.
Public key RSA (2048 bits).
Key bits are displayed in the lower pane of the window.
Key usage Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
Subject key ID 6a 72 26 7a d0 1e ef 7d e7 3b 69 51 d4 6c 8d 9f 90 12 66 ab
Basic constraints Subject Type=CA, Path Length Constraints=None
Thumbprint algorithm sha1
Thumbprint 8c f4 27 fd 79 0c 3a d1 66 06 8d e8 1e 57 ef bb 93 22 72 d4
Certificate nameEquafaxCA1.crt
Table 16.
EquafaxCA1.crt Certificate details (continued)
Certificate field Default value/format
Version V3
Serial number 04
Signature algorithm md5RSA
Issuer Equifax Secure eBusiness
CN=Equifax Secure eBusiness CA-1
0=Equifax Secure Inc.
Valid from 19990621 04:00:00
Valid to 20200621 04:00:00
Subject Equifax Secure eBusiness
CN=Equifax Secure eBusiness CA-1
0=Equifax Secure Inc.
Public key RSA (1024 bits).
144 Performing Diagnostics