Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 16. EquafaxCA1.crt Certificate details
Certificate field Default value/format
Key bits are displayed in the lower pane of the window.
Key usage Digital Signature, Key Encipherment, Data Encipherment,
Key Agreement, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign, Encipher Only,
Decipher Only
Subject key ID 4a 78 32 52 11 db 59 16 36 5e df c1 14 36 40 6a 47 7c 4c a1
Authority key ID 80 14 4a 78 32 52 11 db 59 16 36 5e df c1 14 36 40 6a 47 7c 4c
Basic constraints Subject Type=CA, Path Length Constraints=None
Thumbprint algorithm sha1
Thumbprint da 40 18 8b 91 89 a3 ed ee ae da 97 fe 2f 9d f5 b7 d1 8a 41
Certificate namegd-class2root.crt
Table 17. gd-class2root.crt Certificate details
Certificate field Default value/format
Version V3
Serial number 00
Signature algorithm sha1RSA
Issuer Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority
OU=Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority
O=The Go Daddy Group, Inc.
Valid from 20040629 17:06:20
Valid to 20340629 17:06:20
Subject Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority
OU=Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority
O=The Go Daddy Group, Inc.
Public key RSA (2048 bits).
Key bits are displayed in the lower pane of the window.
Key usage Digital Signature, Key Encipherment, Data Encipherment,
Key Agreement, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign, Encipher Only,
Decipher Only
Subject key ID d2 c4 b0 d2 91 d4 4c 11 71 b3 61 cb 3d a1 fe dd a8 6a d4 e3
Authority Key ID
Key bits are displayed in the lower pane of the window.
Basic constraints Subject Type=CA, Path Length Constraints=None
Thumbprint algorithm sha1
Thumbprint 27 96 ba e6 3f 18 01 e2 77 26 1b a0 d7 77 70 02 8f 20 ee e4
Certificate nameGTECTGlobalRoot.crt
Table 18.
GTECTGlobalRoot.crt Certificate details
Performing Diagnostics 145