Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 22. Parameters for a xen.ini File (continued)
Parameter Description
AutoSignoff={yes, no, 2-60} AutoSignoff This option can be used to automatically sign-off
a user when the last opened session is closed. The default value
is no. A value ranging from 2 to 60 can be configured. This value
represents the number of seconds a session must be active prior to
calling AutoSignOff.
BootpDisable={no, yes} Default is no.
Yes/no option to support both DHCP and BOOTP to obtain
the network configurations. In the first two tries, only DHCP is
requested. Then, both DHCP and BOOTP are requested.
For some environments, BOOTP requests will delay obtaining the
IP from the DHCP server. Set BootpDisable=yes will only perform a
DHCP request. This setting is only valid after the next reboot.
BootOrder={PXE, HardDisk, USB} Not supported on ThinOS Lite 2.
BootOrder Sets the boot order for the BIOS. [Intro build
1.5.0_02] The boot order must follow these rules:
1. The boot order is a list of these three options separated by a
semi-colon (;)or a comma (,).
2. Every option must be used.
3. The options must be different.
For example, the following settings are valid:
However, the following settings are invalid:
If the first boot order is not Hard Disk, the system restart will
boot from the BIOS setting.
CaradigmServer=vip list
[EGPGroup=group name]
[SecurityMode={default, full, warning, low}]
CaradigmServer=vip list contains a list of VIP addresses with
optional TCP port number of Caradigm servers. EGPGroup defines
the user group name. If EnableLogOff=yes is specified, the
user is logged off from the session before system signs off.
Otherwise the session is disconnected. The logged off user has
a timeout value which can be set using SessionConfig parameter
SessionLogOffTimeout. The default timeout value is 1, if no
SessionLogOffTimeout is specified.
SecurityMode specifies the SSL certification validation policy.If set
to default, it applies the SecurityPolicy setting.If set to full, the
SSL connection needs to verify server certificate. If it is untrusted,
drop the connection.If set to warning, the SSL connection needs to
verify server certificate. If it is untrusted, it is up to you to continue
or drop the connection. If set to low, the server certificate is not
checked. The value is persistent, the default value of the setting is
DisableManualLogon=yes disables the manually entry of credentials
to authenticate into the device. It only allows an already enrolled
proximity badge and in active grace period to authenticate with a
single badge tap. The default value is no.
168 Creating and Using xen.ini Files