Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 22. Parameters for a xen.ini File (continued)
Parameter Description
NOTE: The CCMGroupKey, CCMServer and CCMMQTTServer
options are specified to remap the tags for CCM configuration.
WDMServer (186) specifies ip address of WDM server.
WDMServer (192) specifies HTTP port of WDM server.
WDMSecurePort (190) specifies HTTPS port of WDM
WDMFQDN (194) specifies the FQDN of WDM server.
CCMGroupKey (199), CCMServer (165), CCMMQTTServer
(166) and CCMCAValidation (167) specify to remap the tags
for CCM configuration.
[Speed={Auto, 10M HD, 10M FD, 100M HD, 100M FD, or
no, yes}]
Device Specifies to use an ethernet.
Speed Default is auto. Specifies the ethernet speed to either
Auto, 10M HD, 10M FD, 100M HD, 100M FD, or 1000M. If Speed is
set in a xen.ini file, the Speed statement in the {username}.ini file
will be disabled.
Device and Speed parameters can be replaced by the
EthernetSpeed parameter.
MTU A maximum transmission unit value between 500 to 1500.
KeepAlive Specifies a time value in seconds between 5 and 600,
to keep an idle connection alive.
Warning Default is no. Yes/no option to warn about an idle
In the seconds of the specified KeepAlive, if the tcp connection is
idle and Warning=yes, one log will be printed for the session. For
example: device=ethernet keepalive=20 warning=yes
StaticIPWaitFileServer Default is 0. Specifies the timeout
threshold in seconds for cases of static IP. Note that the default
0 turns off this parameter and will allow the system to wait the
system default 120 seconds.
If the Speed parameter value is changed, the
client will require a reboot.
WirelessWaitEnetThis option specifies the wait period before
the wireless initializes in case of Enet Up. The default value is 5.
[Type={TCX, HDX}]
no, yes}]
Device Specifies the ID of a local USB device that is not
redirected by default.
ForceRedirect Specifies a forced redirect of the local USB
device to the server. This parameter has priority over ForceLocal.
The DeviceID can be found in the event log. For example, if you
find TCX USB: Local Device(0x04f2,0x0112,0x03,0x01,0x01), set
the parameter as:
176 Creating and Using xen.ini Files