Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 22. Parameters for a xen.ini File (continued)
Parameter Description
If set IconGroupStyle=folder, the PNAgent published applications
which are specified to display on the desktop will display with the
After clicking the folder icon, the subfolder or applications in this
folder will display on the desktop. In this case, there is an Up to
1 Level icon on top. Clicking the icon will display the up one level
folder contents.
In this case, there is an "Up to 1 Level" icon on top. Clicking this
icon will get back to the up level folder contents. (CIR54333)
The optional keyword IconGroupLayout configures the direction of
the icon group on desktop. The default is vertical.
The optional keyword PasswordVariables I s set to support variable
mapping ($TN, $UN etc) for password.
The optional keyword LockTerminal configures the lockup terminal.
The default is yes. If LockTerminal=no, the function of locking
terminal is disabled. You can right-click on the desktop or click the
Shutdown option --> Lock Terminal, to disable the Lock Terminal.
Also, it disables the lock terminal even if "ScreenSaver=_minutes_
LockTerminal=yes" is set.
The option keyword ExpireTime configures the expiration time. The
range is 1 minute to 480 minutes. The default is 0 which means no
If the value is greater than 480, 480 is set instead. If the value is
smaller than 0, 0 is set instead.
After sign on or launching a connection, start counting the
expiration time. After the expiration time is reached, launch a
session by clicking icon or menu or connection manager. The user
will view a message box to enter password. But the open sessions
still remain open. Only if the password is same as original sign on
password, the session will be launched.
If the terminal is locked and unlocked by using password, start
counting the sign on expiration time again.
If the default value yes is set, then when you unlock the system, the
system will refresh PNA list to verify the password. Set the value to
no to disable the behavior of refresh. (CIR63666)
The optional keyword SCShowCNName is set to yes to forcibly
use the CN name of the certificate as the user name when using
smartcard sign on. By default, the UPN name is used as the user
The optional keyword SCSecurePINEntry is set to yes to enable
Secure PIN entry function for pkcs15 card with Cherry keyboard.
The default value is no.
The optional keyword DisableEditDomain is set to yes to stop typing
in the domain box manually. Typing the character @ or \ as the
format domain\user and user@domain in username box are not
The option AdGroupPreFix is only valid, when you configure
SignOn=NTLM. If the option is configured, then zero Clinet
will verify all AD group names to which the sign-on user
belongs, to get the first group name so that its prefix matches
adgrpnameprefix, and load adgroup/the_whole_ad_group_name.ini
if the configuration file exits, before loading user specific ini. For
example, if the sign no user is user_111 in a domain, user_111
Creating and Using xen.ini Files