Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 22. Parameters for a xen.ini File
Parameter Description
[SecurityMode={default, full, warning, low}] 3. DNS host name lookup "wdmserver"If WDMService=yes, set
DHCPinform=yes will do #1, set DNSLookup=yes will do #2 and
If QuickMode is set to yes, the rapport agent will not block any
other process during ThinOS Lite boot up and increases the boot
time of ThinOS Lite.
If Discover=yes is specified, rapport discovers WDM server
information from the DHCP option tag, DNS service location record,
and DNS host name. If the WDM server is discovered, the WDM
server UI is protected on device. Default=yes.
NOTE: if "file server" is changed by WDM server, device will
reboot automatically to make sure all settings from WDM server
take effect. Default = yes.
SecurityMode specifies the SSL certification validation policy. If set
to default, it will apply SecurityPolicy setting.If set to full, the SSL
connection needs to verify server certificate. If it is untrusted, then
drop the connection.
If set to warning, the SSL connection needs to verify server
certificate. If it is untrusted, it's up to you to continue or drop the
connection. If set to low, the server certificate is not checked. The
value is persistent, and the default value of the setting is default. If
the settings are factory default, or if you are upgrading to ThinOS
Lite 2.3 for the first time, the value is temporarily set to low. After
loading any INI, it goes to Default.
[Retry=<retry number value>]
WDMServer Specifies a list of IP addresses or DNS name,
separated by using a comma for the WDM servers. Once specified,
it is saved in non-volatile memory. [Intro build 2.0_013]
Retry Determines the number of attempts to retry a contact to
WDM servers.
Specifies the WINS server address. The WINSserver is an IP list
separated by ";" or ",", with a maximum list size of 2.
Connect Parameter: Options
This topic provides the supported options for the Connect parameter in ICA supported connections.
ICA connect options
Table shown here contains the supported options used for ICA connections (after you use the Connect=ICA parameter/
If an option has an underlined value (default), that option and default value will automatically be used with Connect=ICA;
options without underlined values can also be used if you want to, but are not automatically used with Connect=ICA. In
addition, when using options, you can leave the default value or change it to another value shown.
For example, in the following case where:
[Option1={0, 1}]
Creating and Using xen.ini Files 217