Administrator Guide

Table 6. Zero Desktop shortcuts (continued)
Action Press
Capture the full desktop to the clipboard Print Screen
Capture the active window to the clipboard Alt+PrintScreen
You can copy and paste between application sessions and between sessions and the desktop, however, this function
depends on session server configurations.
In addition to the standard two-button mouse, the thin client supports a Microsoft Wheel Mouse used for scrolling.
Other similar types of a wheel mouse may or may not work.
To switch the left and right buttons, use the Peripherals dialog box, see Configuring the peripherals settings.
Zero toolbar
The Zero toolbar usually appears at the left corner of the Zero Desktop. However, depending on administrator configurations,
the toolbar can be removed or hidden. It is shown only when a user moves the mouse pointer over the left edge of the desktop
Administrators can configure the toolbar settings using either a dialog box, or the SysMode parameter in the wnos.ini file.
Table 7. Toolbar icons
Icon What It Does
Home Opens the list of available connections.
System Information Displays thin client system information.
System Settings Opens the System Settings menu to configure thin client
system settings and perform diagnostics.
Shutdown Terminal Click the Shutdown Terminal icon to use the Shutdown
options available on the thin client.
NOTE: The Shutdown Terminal icon does not display on
the toolbar when using the Admin Mode button to
configure system settings.
Battery indicator Hover your mouse over the battery indicator to view the
remaining battery percentage. This option is applicable only to
the Wyse 5470 Thin Client.
NOTE: If configured to display by an administrator, the current date and time are shown on the Zero Toolbar. The thin
client is capable of synchronizing its clock to time provided by a Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) server.
List of connections
On the Zero Toolbar, you can click the Home icon to open your list of assigned connections. Sometimes, the list contains only
default connections.
Use the following guidelines depending on user privilege level, some options may not be available for use:
Table 8. Connection options
Option What It Does
Name of the connection Opens the connection you want to use.
NOTE: All open connections display a blue icon to the left
of the connection name in the list.
Reset icon Resets the connection.
Getting started 35