Reference Guide

Parameter Description
the rmware and/or packages can happen, which do not support
signature. The default is yes.
AutoPower={yes, no}
Device=cmos AutoPower=(yes, no)
Default is no.
Yes/no option on how the system starts when the power is rst
applied to the thin client.
If set to yes, then the system starts itself without waiting for users
to press the power button. In cases where power was lost
unexpectedly and if the thin client was shut down properly before
power was lost unexpectedly, when the power is restored, the thin
client will be powered. This setting is useful in a kiosk environment.
Once an AutoPower statement is processed, it alters the behavior
of the thin client until a countermanding statement is processed.
The eect of an AutoPower=yes statement continues even if the
statement is removed from the INI le in which it was found.
Use of the AutoPower option does not interfere with performing a
user directed shutdown.
CCMEnable={yes, no}
[AdvancedCong={no, yes}]
[CCMDefault={no, yes}]
[Override={no, yes}]
[CAValidation=(yes, no)]
[Discover=(yes, no)]
[IgnoreMqtt=(yes, no)]
From ThinOS 8.4.1 release, these INI parameters are applicable to
Wyse 3040 thin client.
CCMEnable — Yes/no option to enable the Cloud Client Manager
Agent. Default is no
CCMServerSpecies a IP address or URL address for the CCM
server. Default protocol is HTTPS if "http://" or "https://" is not
available. Default port is 443. Once specied, it is saved in the non-
volatile memory. Example: CCMEnable=yes CCMServer=http://
GroupPrex and GroupKey — The options GroupPrex and
GroupKey compose the Group Registration Key of the Cloud Client
Manager server. Once specied, it is saved in the non-volatile
The numbers before the dash on the Group Registration key
is the GroupPrex value and the characters to the right of
the Group Registration Key is the GroupKey value.
NOTE: The length of GroupPrex is xed to four; the
length range of GroupKey is from eight to 31 characters.
MQTTServerSpecies a IP address or URL address for the
MQTT server and MQTT port after the : (colon). Once specied, it
is saved in the non-volatile memory.
AdvancedCong — Default is no. Yes/no option to enable the
Cloud Client Manager server and MQTT server elds in the GUI. If
AdvancedCong=yes is specied, the Cloud Client Manager server
and MQTT server elds in the Cloud Client Manager UI will be
enabled. See also PRIVILEGE parameters in General Settings for
wnos.ini Files, {username} INI, and $MAC INI Files.
CCMDefault — Default is no. Yes/no option to enable the
Congure Cloud management dialog will display during boot up. If
CCMDefault=yes is specied and both the CCMServer and
GroupKey are NULL, the Congure Cloud management dialog will
display during boot up. Input group code to connect to the default
Cloud Client Manager server and default MQTT server. The default
Parameters for wnos INI
les only 13