Administrator Guide

Parameter Description
optional <secondary color> is the secondary color, when shading
is specied.
for example:Deskcolor=”DarkGoldenrod horizontal-gradient
The primary color in this example DarkGoldenrod appears on the
left (horizontal) or top (vertical) edge with a smooth transition to
the secondary color in this example LightGoldenrod on the
opposite edge.
Desktop={<image le>, <default>}
[Layout={Center, Tile, Stretch, Scale, Zoom, Span}]
Desktop: Species an image le to be used as wallpaper for the
local desktop. The le must be located in the server wlx2 bitmap
directory. The image le can be PNG, and JPG. The lename is
case sensitive. Setting the Image le name to <default>...., sets
the wall paper to Dell default wall paper.
Layout : Species the arrangement of the specied image le on
the desktop. The tile option replicates the image across the
desktop, the stretch option adjusts the image to ll the screen,
the scale option enlarges the image to ll either the screen width
or height, theZoom option stretches (or reduces) the image
keeping proportions, so the background is completely lled, when
the image and the screen have dierent proportions it will cut o
the extra bands that cannot be tted (top and bottom or left and
right depending on the image), and Span option is used to span
the image across multiple monitors.
DesktopAppliance={ none, citrix} You can disable or enable the thinuser specic VDI KIOSK theme.
Desktop.KeyBinding.Minimize=<string> Default is disabled
Desktop.KeyBinding.Move=<string> Default is disabled
Desktop.KeyBinding.Resize=<string> Default is disabled
Desktop.KeyBinding.ShowDesktop=<string> Default is <Control><Alt>Down
Desktop.KeyBinding.SwitchWindows=<string> Default is <Alt>Down
Desktop.KeyBinding.ToggleFullscreen=<string> Default is <Control><Alt>Up
Desktop.KeyBinding.ToggleMaximized=<string> Default is <Alt>F10
Desktop.KeyBinding.UnMaximize=<string> Default is disabled
Desktop.KeyBinding.DisablePrintScreen={true, false} Default is true.
DHCP.VendorID=<String> Default is wyse-5000.
Species the desired HDCP Vendor ID string.
Display.SleepDisplay={0, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, 480, 600, 720,
900} or SleepDisplay
Default is 240 for 4 minutes.
These are values for seconds, corresponding to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10,
12, 15 minutes possible values; 0 and other values corresponds to