Administrator Guide

Parameter Description
Important: If root path is not provided, /wyse is the
default. The directory name /wlx2 is appended to the root
path entry before use, if /wlx2 folder is not available
then /wlx will be the fall back default.
SshIdleTimeout=<integer 1 to 60> Default is 0, which is disabled. Set the SSH connection idle
timeout in minutes. when the client idle timeout reaches, SSH
connection will be terminated automatically from SSH Server. This
works only if SSH is enabled.
ServerBusyCounter=<1 – 24> Default is 5.
The number of retries when server is busy. There is no hard limit
enforced as this was designed as adhoc measure till wdm server
provides the counter value during checkin.
ServerBusyTimeout=<byte 10 – 360> Default is 30
The interval before Hagent goes for retry. There is no hard limit
enforced as this was designed as adhoc measure till wdm server
provides the timeout value during checkin.
ImportCerts={en_US, fr_FR, es_ES, de_DE, nl_NL, pt_PT}
System.Language — The value species the UI language and the
locality where it will be used. For example, System.Language =
ImportCerts — Default is en_US. It species only one language
in INI.
Do not specify any encoding.
TimeFormat=<String> Default is 12h
Species the system time format.
The following are the formats:
24, 24h, 24-hour, 24-hour format.
12, 12h, 12-hour, 12-hour format.
VNCServer.DisableVNC={yes, no} Default is yes
You can disable or enable the VNC Server.
VNCServer.UsePasswd={yes, no} Default is no
You can use password to authenticate VNC connections.
VNCServer.VncPasswd=<string> This parameter is used to set the new VNC password from
default. Maximum length is 8 characters. If the VncPassword is
not set, then default password is Wyse.
NOTE: Password string must not contain single quote
VNCServer.VncPrompt={yes, no} Default is no