Administrator Guide

Parameter Description
FileServerPassword=<Password> Species the Base-64 encrypted password for File server.
HDXH264CaptureBin=<string> For ICA only.
Default is Null. It species the name of the customized H264
HDXH264InputEnabled={yes, no} For ICA only.
Default is no
This is used to enable H264 compression from client to server. This will
enable h264 encoding for media packets sent from client to server. This
enables better performance for multimedia redirection and webcam
HDXFlashEnableServerSideContentFetching={yes, no} For ICA only.
Default is no.
This option is used to enable or disable client side fetching of Flash
content. This is a global INI parameter for the Citrix ICA client.
HDXWebCamDevice={ Valid path of the webcam
For ICA only.
Default is /dev/video0.
Selects the webcam device. This parameter can be used when there
are multiple webcam present.
HDXWebCamFramesPerSec=<integer value> For ICA only.
Default is 15.
Sets the preferred frame rate for webcam.
HDXWebCamHeight=<integer value>
HDXWebCamWidth=<integer value>
For ICA only.
These settings control the resolution parameters for webcam.
The defaults are HDXWebCamWidth = 352 and HDXWebCamHeight =
H264Enabled={yes, no} For ICA only.
Default is yes .
You can enable H264 compression from server to client. This will enable
h264 encoding for media packets which are received from server. This
enables the better performance for multimedia redirection and webcam
ICABrowsing={ udp, http, https} For ICA only.
Default is http.
Species the default browsing protocol. This setting can be overridden
by the HttpBrowsing= {yes, no, ssl} in each connection property.