Administrator Guide

Table 7. Custom Connect Parameter Options
Option Description
AutoConnect={no, yes} Default is no
AutoConnect option is used to start a connection automatically
at sign-on.
Command=<String> Default is none
Species a command to execute. For xterms, it is recommended
to use the -ls option, because it is a login shell.
Description=<String> Default is none
Connection description provides a connection name for the
Desktop icon and the Connection Manager.
The text must be enclosed in quotation marks, if it contains
spaces or punctuation characters. These characters are not
allowed & ‘ “ $ ? ! | ; ( ) [ ] { } \
Icon=<image le> Species an icon to appear on the local desktop or Connection
Manager. The le must be located in the server wlx2/bitmap
directory. If not specied, the default icon is displayed except in
the case of a published application. A PNG, JPEG or GIF may be
used. XPM is permitted for backward compatibility.
LocalCopy={no, yes} Default is no
LocalCopy option is used to save the connection in the local
permanent registry.
Reconnect={no, yes} Default is no
Reconnect option is used to automatically reconnect to an
application server after a disconnection.
ReconnectSeconds=<value in seconds> Default is 30
Species the amount of time in seconds to wait before
automatic reconnection to an application server after a
disconnection. It requires, Reconnect= yes or 1.
Runinterminal= {yes, no} Default is no.
This option can be used to customize connection with the
Citrix Connect Options
The following table contains the supported options you can use for Citrix connections where default values are in bold:
Example: Server connection
Host= \