Administrator Guide

Options Description
Enable this parameter for a specic connection ,to automatically
trigger the connection to xenapp or xendesktop server after
user log-on.
BrowserIP = <Comma separated value of type string. Each
value should be a valid IP address or full qualied host name. To
separate Items on the list, use semicolons or commas>
Each address in the list will be tried in the order listed until a
successful connection is established. Once successful
connection is established , remaining entries will not be tried.
It is a mandatory parameter for both PA and storefront
Colors={256, 64k, 16m} Default is 64k.
Species the session color mode. For faster display
performance, use 256 colors.
Description=<string> Connection description provides a connection name for the
Desktop icon and the Connection Manager.
CAUTION: The text must be enclosed in double
quotation marks, if it contains spaces or punctuation
characters. These characters are not allowed: &‘ “ $?!|;
DomainName=<domain name or $DN> This parameter species the domain name. $DN species that
the thin client sign-on domain name is used.
Encryption={ Basic, 40, 56, 128, Login-128} Default is Basic.
Species the connection security level. The highest level is 128-
bit security and the lowest level is Basic.
FullScreen={yes, no} Default is no.
In order to run the session in full screen not in a window, you can
set this parameter to yes.
Host=<string> This is a mandatory parameter for server connection. This is
applicable only for Server connections. Use comma separated
list of IP address. To separate the list of items, use semicolon or
HttpBrowsing= {no,yes,ssl} Designates the browsing protocol.
Icon=<image le> Species an icon to appear on the local desktop or Connection
Manager. The le must be located in the server wlx2/bitmap
directory. If not specied, the default icon is displayed except in
the case of a published application. A PNG, JPEG or GIF may be
used. XPM is permitted for backward compatibility.
LocalCopy={yes, no} Default is no
Enable this parameter for a specic connection if the setting
parameter pertaining to that connection needs be stored in the
registry permanently, if enabled the settings parameter will be
stored across system reboot.
LowBand={yes, no} Default is no.