Administrator Guide

Option Parameter
Connection description provides a connection name for the
Desktop icon and the Connection Manager.
CAUTION: The text must be enclosed in quotation
marks if it contains spaces or punctuation characters.
These characters are not allowed & ‘ “ $ ? ! | ; ( ) [ ] { }
Desktop=<desktop name> Use the published desktop name in non-interactive mode.
Desktopsize={ fullscreen, largewindow, smallwindow,
useallmonitors, 1024x768, 800x600, 640x480 }
Default is fullscreen.
Species the desktop size either fullscreen, largewindow,
smallwindow or use exact size in the form XxY.
Disableconnectonce={no, yes} Default is no.
This option disables the listing of View desktops after session
logs out when an error occurs.
Disableviewmenubar={no, yes} Default is no.
This option helps you to disable top full screen drop-down menu
DomainName=<string> Species the domain name in a Windows network where the
VMware server is located.
EnableNLA={yes,no} Default is no.
This option initiates the authentication and prompts you to enter
the login credentials when you try to add a new VMware
EnableUDP={yes,no} Species whether UDP networking should be enabled in the
session. Default is yes.
EnableH264={yes,no} Species whether H.264 decoding should be enabled in the
session. Default is yes.
Fullscreenmode={no, yes} Default is no.
This option enables full screen mode and when selected it
disables the Desktopsize option.
Host=<host server name or IP address> Default is none
Species the server name or IP address to connect.
NOTE: This option is mandatory.
Icon=<image le> Species an icon to appear on the local desktop or Connection
Manager. The le must be located in the server wlx2/bitmap
directory. If not specied, the default icon is displayed except in
the case of a published application. A PNG, JPEG or GIF may be
used. XPM is permitted for backward compatibility.
Interactive={yes, no} Default is yes.