Administrator Guide

Option Parameter
Interactive option is used to enable interactive connection mode.
LockServerURLField={yes,no} Default is yes.
This option enables the New Server option when you try to add
a new VMware connection.
Monitors=<numbered list> Enter a value to specify which subset of the monitors to use.
For Example : Monitors= 2,3 If you specify the numbered list as
2, 3 in a conguration where four monitors are set next to each
other horizontally, the windows session will be displayed in the
2nd and 3rd monitors only and local session will be available in
1st and 4th monitors.
Password={base-64 encoded password string , $SN, $MAC,
$IP, $DN, $UN, $PW, $TN}
Species the password required to log in to the application
server. Either a base-64 encoded login password or a variable
can be used.
password — base-64 encoded login password.
Variable and Description: $SN — Serial number
$MAC — MAC address
$IP — IP Address
$DN — Sign-on domain name
$UN — Sign-on name
$PW — Sign-on password
$TN — Terminal name
NOTE: The application server password is not
encrypted; not specifying it is recommended. The user is
prompted to enter the password when the connection is
made. This application server password directive never
starts a line, so it can be distinguished from the thin
client user sign-on password which starts a line.
Ping={yes, no} Default is yes.
You can enable the ping using Ping parameter. For non-
published application connections, a ping (ICMP) is sent to the
host server prior to connect, to verify that the host is reachable.
Port=<port number> Default is 443. Species a dierent port number other than
default 443 for SSL connection.
Protocol={PCOIP, RDP, Blast} Default is PCoIP.
Species the protocol to use.
Reconnect={no, yes} Default is no.
Reconnect option is used to automatically reconnect to an
application server after a disconnection.