Release Notes

For more information about the INI parameters, see INI parameters
Hide application icon
Admin can now hide application icons which should be invisible to non-admin users.
For more information about the INI parameters, see INI parameters
Firewall settings
Firewall settings allows you to congure rewall through System Settings UI, and INI parameters. For Firewall Setting UI, click System
Settings > Security > Firewall.
Firewall conguration is managed using the iptables command-line utility, that uses policy chains to allow or block trac. iptables
provides a packet ltering framework for Linux, that allows you to lter network trac that ows in and out of your server/workstation.
Example Script:
/usr/sbin/iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp -j DROP
/usr/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT
The above mentioned script is used to Drop ICMP Output Connections and Accept ICMP Input Connections. For more information on
using iptables, see
For more information about the INI parameters, see INI parameters
Custom info settings
Custom info settings allows you to set custom info through UI, and INI parameters. While the admin user can view and modify the custom
info, non-admin user can only view the custom info.
To set the Custom info from UI, click System Settings > System > Custom Info.
For more information about the INI parameters, see INI parameters
INI parameters
Table 70. INI parameters
INI Parameter Value type Description
ICAMultiStream={Yes/No} Boolean —Yes/No
Default: No
You can enable or disable ICA MultiStream.
NetworkMode= {poorconnect/
excellentconnect/ typicalconnect}
Select Vmware Network Mode based on
user Bandwidth according to BEAT
UnauthAccessEnabled={Yes/No} Boolean—Yes/No
Default: No
UnauthAccessEnabled enable/disable the
UnAuthenticated access for Published
Applications (Vmware).
58 ThinLinux v1.0.5