Release Notes

Issue number Description
TIR95322/TIR95991 Resolved an issue where the global security policy is set to warning
during system reboot after factory default.
TIR96289 Resolved an issue that results in RTME failed to probe and commit
event log.
TIR96376 Supports 3440 x 1440 display resolution.
TIR96334 Supports the Citrix RTME 2.4 package.
TIR96286 Resolved an issue with session artifacts when you close the Skype for
Business application.
TIR96292 Resolved DNS/NTP issue that results in server synchronization.
TIR96019 Reliability in using VDMMN is improved.
TIR96083 Reliability in using CTRL + ESC is improved.
TIR96084 Resolved conguration-related issues when adding or deleting
certicates on an HTTPS server.
TIR96149 Resolved an issue with the classic taskbar wireless icon when you set the
privilege parameter to low.
TIR96224 Resolved an issue during restart and shut down when DisableButton
parameter is used in an admin mode.
TIR96237/TIR96033/TIR96509 Resolved an issue where Wyse Management Suite does not parse the
Device=DellCMOS parameter.
Resolved an issue where the Japanese fonts are not displayed correctly
on the SelectServerList SignOn menu.
TIR95891 Supports Citrix Cloud services.
TIR94263 Resolved an issue where the INI parameter DiskReadOnly=yes does
not work when a hard drive is connected before you boot up the thin
TIR95482 Supports X/Y mouse events (Belkin F1DN102K-3 KM switch).
TIR95880 PowerMic III performance is improved in the VMware Horizon package
using the PCoIP protocol.
TIR95969 Resolved an issue that prevents you to change password by using
TIR95813 Resolved Imprivata ngerprint reader issue when the device ID is used in
EPCS applications.
TIR95989 Supports Windows 10 Canadian French keyboard layout.
TIR96043 Resolved an issue that prevents using password values of more than 24
characters or more using Imprivata.
TIR96081 Resolved an issue where network (SMB or LPD) printer mapping is
limited to a single device.
TIR95508 Resolved an issue where user credentials cannot be entered again in
ThinOS 802.1x PEAP.
70 ThinOS 8.5_017 and ThinOS Lite 2.5_017