Setup Guide

Table 7. General Settings: wnos.ini files, {username} INI, and $MAC INI Files (continued)
[BootOrder={PXE, HardDisk, USB}]
[WakeOnLan={yes, no}]
[AutoPower={yes, no}]
[BootFromUSB={yes, no}]
[USBController={yes, no}]
[COMController={yes, no}]
[PopupMenu={yes, no}]
[OnboardAudio={yes, no}]
[Bluetooth={yes, no}]
[CurrentPassword= password NewPassword
= password]
[AutoPowerDays={Sunday, Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
encrypted] [NewPassword=password]
[NewPasswordEnc=password encrypted]
$PF - Is the name of the platform, including C10, C00, R10, R00, and VL10.
$VER - Is the version of the BIOS, such as
1.0B_SPC001(1.0B_SPC001-0407), 1.0B-0407(Zilch), 1.0H_SPC-0T51(R10,
R00), 1.19R(VL10).
Wyse ThinOS log: "CMOS: extract to $PF_cmos.$VER"
Restore For restore action, CMOS content is updated from the file:
Wyse ThinOS log: "CMOS: restore from $PF_cmos.$VER"
When using this feature, there should be a special INI user name such as
cmos. The associated ini/cmos.ini should include one line as Device=cmos
NOTE: Do not include Device=cmos Action=extract in a global INI file such
as wnos.ini, as it will take no effect if it is included in the global INI file.
After the administrator configures the CMOS on a template unit, the
administrator should sign on to the cmos account on ThinOS to have the CMOS
content saved to the cmos file on a writable File Server wnos directory.
Then, the wnos.ini should be configured with Device=CMOS action=restore,
so that all target units will be updated with the same CMOS setting as the
template unit after reboot.
Once the restore action is finished, both the Device=cmos Action=extract and
Device=CMOS action=restore should be removed from the related INI files.
The usage of other settings is self-explanatory. The only condition to use the
settings is the BIOS GUI should have such settings.
[CurrentPassword= password NewPassword = password]This option is
used to change the device BIOS password. CurrenPassword is required. The
maximum count of the password string is 19 bytes.
[AutoPowerDate={yes,no}] This option is used to enable the system to
turn on automatically on a scheduled time and day.
If the value specified is no, the system does not turn on automatically.
If the value specified is yes, the system turns on automatically at the time
specified in AutoPowerTime and AutoPowerDays.
AutoPowerTimeThis option specifies the time for the system to turn on
automatically. The value range for hh is 0 - 23 and the range for mm and ss is 0
- 59.
AutoPowerDaysThis option specifies the day to turn on the
system automatically. For example, Device=Cmos AutoPowerDate=yes
AutoPowerTime=2:30:30 AutoPowerDays=Sunday;Friday;Saturday
[CurrentPasswordEnc=password encrypted]This option is used to
provide encrypted current password.
[NewPasswordEnc=password encrypted]This option is used to provide
encrypted new password. Note: Password encrypted will be higher priority.
For example, if CurrentPassword and CurrentPasswordEnc are both configured,
CurrentPasswordEnc overwrites the CurrentPassword.
Support matrix for Device=cmos INI parameter usage
Wyse 5010
thin client/
Wyse 5040 AIO
thin client/Wyse
7010 thin client
Wyse 3030 LT
thin client and
their PCoIP
Wyse 5060 thin
client and their
PCoIP clients
Wyse 3020 thin
client and their
PCoIP clients
46 Parameters for wnos INI, {username} INI, and $MAC INI files