Release Notes

Dell Wyse ThinOS 8.5_009 | 21
VMware #2 Horizon Blast UDP/BEAT
Blast Extreme uses the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or the User Datagram Protocol
(UDP). Blast Extreme as a protocol is part of BEAT (Blast Extreme Advanced Transport).
Choose UDP protocol to use the bandwidth for the desired result.
Pre-Conditions: In order to enable UDP, you need to make a few changes to the View
Connection Server, the Agent host desktop as well as the Client. See, VMware guide for
configuration details on the server and agent desktop.
o The following content are from the Horizon certificate guide for reference:
1. On the View Connection Server, do the following:
a. Browse to \Program Files\VMware\VMware
b. Add the entry enableUDP=true. Ensure that the value is set to true.
c. Restart the VMware Blast Security Gateway service.
2. To disable the Blast Secure Gateway, do the following:
a. On your web browser, go to View Administrator web portal.
b. Select View Configuration > Servers.
c. Select the required Server, and click Edit.
d. Deselect Use Blast Secure Gateway for Blast Connections to system.
3. On the Agent machine, do the following:
a. Run regedit and browse to
Blast\Config. Add a new string value LogLevel with value data set to
debug. If LogLevel key already exists, change the value to debug.
b. From the same location in regedit, add another key called UdpEnabled and
set the data value to 1.
c. Run gpedit.msc to start the Local Group Policy Editor, under Computer
Configuration, right click on Administrative Templates, and select
Add/Remove Templates.
d. Add the vdm-blast.adm entry.
e. Click browse Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Classic
Administrative Templates (ADM)\VMware Blast, ensure that H264 and
UDP are enabled.
f. Restart the Blast service.
4. Launch the Horizon Client, and connect to your View Connection Server.
5. Enable UDP from the UI.
6. Connect to a remote desktop using Blast protocol.
7. Browse to %ProgramData%\VMware\VMware Blast\Blast-Service.log and check
the time connection was established.
8. Click Search and confirm that socket xxx transition to state ESTABLISHED in
Blast-Worker-SessionIdx.log. xxx starts from 1, for example “103” message is
recorded in the log file.
9. Disconnect from the remote desktop and disable UDP setting in the UI.
Working scenario in ThinOS