Setup Guide

Table 9. Connection Settings: wnos.ini files, {username} INI, and $MAC INI files (continued)
* Global overrides identically-named user profile
** After sign off, user profile returns to global value
means that the TS Gateway setting is automatically obtained
or enabled from the Microsoft RDS broker server.
Continued from the previous table...
GracefulReconnTimeoutThis value is to set a timeout for
RDP to reconnect the session if no response is received from
server side during this time limit. It avoids the case of RDP
session freezing for a long time and not reconnecting due
to poor network quality or short time network disconnection.
There is no default value for this option. The feature is
disabled if it is not set. Valid value is 10 to 100, in seconds.
Limitation: Certain sessions in Windows10 servers disconnect
and reconnect when the session is idle with this parameter
enabled. The issue occurs when H.264-AVC444 is enabled
without RemoteFX/vGPU support on server side. You can
avoid the issue by not configuring H.264-AVC444 policy in the
ForceUpdatedNLA allows the client side force server to
use updated CredSSP, which addresses the vulnerability
issue CVE-2018-0886. If the value is set to yes, the client
disconnects the session during session login when the server
uses unpatched CredSSP. The default value is no.
TsgwWebsock is set when you are using WebSocket
connection between the client and Windows 2016 Terminal
Service Gateway. The default value is No.
DesktopScaleFactor allows you to set desktop scaling
percentage. The minimum value is 100 and the maximum value
is 500.
desktopmodeDefault is fullscreen mode for an RDP
desktop application. Specifies the display mode of an RDP
published desktop. This parameter is only available for the
RDP desktops published in the VMware broker.
[NetworkCondition={ Excellent,Typical, Poor }]
[EnableHardwareCursor={Yes, No}]
[RemoteDisplay.allowClientH264YUV444={TRUE, FALSE}]
[EnableRelativeMouse={yes, no}]
[EnableH264={yes,no}] This parameter controls the Blast
H264 feature on the supported platforms. The default value
is yes. The value yes enables H264 and the value no disables
This works on Blast H.264 supported platforms only.
NetworkConditionThis parameter controls the Blast
network condition. The default value is Typical. The following
are the values and associated actions:
ExcellentNetwork is very good.
TypicalNetwork is normal.
PoorNetwork is bad.
This parameter impacts the Blast to select UDP or TCP. When
the network is Excellent and Typical, the Blast selects TCP.
When it is Poor, the Blast selects UDP.
EnableHardwareCursorThis parameter is used to control
hardware cursor in Blast session. The default value is No.
Parameters for wnos INI, {username} INI, and $MAC INI files 95