Administrator Guide

Multiple logins with Citrix and VMware Horizon
ThinOS supports PNA multiple login feature. You can log in to multiple Citrix StoreFront or PNAgent using different credentials.
From this release onwards, you can simultaneously log in to Citrix StoreFront/PNAgent and the VDM server.
To configure the multiple login feature, do the following:
1. Configure the Pnlite server and VDI broker in the INI file as follows:
SelectServerList=vdm; \
description="description" host=<fqdn of Horizon Server>
SelectServerList=pna; \
description="description" host=<fqdn of StoreFront Server>
pnliteserver=<fqdn of StoreFront Server>
VDIBroker=<fqdn of Horizon Server>
SelectServerList=vdm; \
description="description" host=<fqdn of Horizon Server>
SelectServerList=pna; \
description="description" host=<fqdn of StoreFront Server>
2. In the login window, select either the Citrix or VMware broker to log in, or log in to both Citrix and VMware brokers with
different credentials.
ThinOS supports a single VDM login even if the MultiLogon parameter is set to yes. When you log in to the first VDI broker
successfully, the succeeding VDI brokers are ignored.
For example:
VDIBroker=<fqdn of Horizon Server 1>;
VDIBroker=<fqdn of Horizon Server 2>
If the first VDI broker login is successful, the second VDI broker is ignored. If the first VDI broker login fails, the second VDI
broker is considered.
Configuring the visual settings
To configure the visual settings:
1. From the desktop menu, click System Setup, and then click Remote Connections.
The Remote Connections tab is displayed.
2. Click Visual Experience tab, and use the following guidelines:
Configuring connectivity