Release Notes

Imaging units from WDM environment
Imaging the units from WDM can be done in two scenarios, on top of which the Unied MUI build can be pushed. The scenarios are as
1 Unied MUI build
As the unied MUI builds have the language metadata in Merlin partition. Imaging the unied MUI build brings up the unit in the same
MUI language present in Merlin.
If the customer wants to change the language, they can use WDM add-on to write the language metadata to Merlin partition and re-
image the unit with unied MUI build. This brings up the unit in desired language selected with the tool.
2 Non-Unied build
Updating unied MUI build on top of a non-unied build is a two step process.
You have to use the WDM add-on, to write the desired language metadata to Merlin partition of the non-unied build.
a The WDM add-on with unied language selection tool can be pushed to the client to write the required language metadata in
Merlin partition. This is done using the command line LanguageCong.exe, with an option for dierent language. For example,
French-Canada LanguageCong.exe fr-CA.
b Push the unied MUI image on top of non-unied build with language metadata in Merlin partition. Imaging brings up the unit in
the same MUI language present in the Merlin.
OS architecture
WES7 image structure
1 All WES7 builds are delivered in WDM package supported format.
2 WES7 builds have two partitions:
16 MB partition shows FAT32 without the drive letter in disk management.
16 MB partition contains Merlin BA—Boot Agent Version 3.4.4.
3 WES7 builds are pulled and pushed using WSI.
4 WES7 images are supported with 4 GB RAM with ash 16 GB and above.
5 WES7 builds are in compressed format.
WES7 unied MUI build 7064 behavior
1 Internet Explorer 11:
a Performance enhancements: Internet Explorer 11 is the quickest version of the browser yet. Microsoft has included support for
web standards like CSS animations, the HTML5 spell checking, and improved JavaScript performance.
b Security enhancements: The main security addition to Internet Explorer 11 is Enhanced Protected Mode which locks down parts
of the windows operating system, preventing the browser from accessing the OS.
2 Citrix Receiver:
a USB redirection always works for all users of the client machine with all published XenDesktop, irrespective of the setting
“Simplify device connections for me” in the XenDesktop connection preferences UI.
3 Energy Star Specication
Our product meets the Energy Star thin client requirement.
The following values are set by default in the control panel applet of the power options:
Supports WOL power o states.
Unied MUI Build 7064
Release Notes