
Known issues
Table 25. Known issues
Issue ID Description Workaround
WS-2329 The error RDP has stopped working is
displayed occasionally.
Click Close Program and restart Remote
Desktop Connection.
WS-2367 PAD imaging does not initiate in the client
until HAgent service is restarted.
Restart the HAgent service on the client to
initiate PAD imaging on the peer thin client.
WS-854 Files are not received from Client B to Client
A using Bluetooth.
Enable Windows Search service to resolve
this issue.
WS-2460 When multiple VDI sections are launched
and the thin client is idle, an FBWF Low
memory message is displayed.
There is no workaround in this release.
WS-2476 BIOS version is not updated after USB
Use USB Imaging Tool 2.1.4 to resolve this
WS-2466 Network may be disabled in the taskbar
when a newly imaged client is idle for 20
minutes to 30 minutes.
Log o and log in to enable network.
Known issues 19