Release Notes

Dell Wyse ThinOS 8.5_009 | 43
INI Parameter
($VER version of BIOS, like 1.2.2.
With a WTOS log: "CMOS: extract to $PF_cmos.$VER"
For restore action, CMOS content is updated from file
With a syslog, CMOS: restore from $PF_cmos.$VER
The file is strongly checked and protected from corruption.
1. The content is wrapped in a file header, including a field of
magic number, checksum, timestamp, length and platform name.
2. The content is first checksum and then AES encrypted during
save operation.
3. On restore operation, If the CMOS timestamp (stored in nvram)
matches the timestamp on the file, the cmos content will not be
written every time to avoid wearing out the cmos chip.
For usage of this feature, there should be a special INI user name
like "cmos". The associated ini/cmos.ini should include one line as
"Device=DellCmos Action=extract" (Pleaset note:
"Device=DellCmos Action=extract" is not suggested to be written in
global INI file, like wnos.ini, and it will take no effect if it has been
written in global INI file). And “CurrentPassword” is must be
required if device's BIOS password is existed regardless extract or
restore action.
For example, Device=DellCmos CurrentPassword=
xxxxx Action=restore
After the administrator configured the CMOS on a template unit, the
administrator should sign on to "cmos" account on WTOS to get the
CMOS content saved to the cmos file on writable File Server wnos
Then, the wnos.ini should be configured with "Device=DellCmos
action=restore", so all target units will get updated with the same
CMOS setting as template unit after reboot.
Once the restore action is finished, both the "Device=DellCmos
Action=extract" and "Device=DellCmos action=restore" should be
removed from the related INI files.
The usage of other settings is self-explanatory. The only condition
to use the setting is the BIOS GUI has such settings.
PRIVILEGE=[None, Low, High]
FastDHCP will identify gateway first, if it's same as the network
before disconnection and previous DHCP information isn't expired,
use previous DHCP information and won't start a new DHCP
process. Default is yes.
It configures the OpenConnect VPN session. It can allow up to 4
• The option "Username-enc" specifies AES encrypted Login
• The option "Password-enc" specifies AES encrypted Login
Folder for grouping the connections. Display the folder on ThinOS
desktop only if classic mode and set "signon=yes
icongroupstyle=folder". The folder can include sub folder, for
connect=rdp host= icon=default folder=rdp\test1
Extra DHCP options which are for win CE unit, including 169, 140,
141, 166, 167
For example, set a string "test169" for option tag 169 in DHCP
server, set TerminalName=$DHCP(169) in wnos.ini
Check terminal name in GUI, the terminal name will be "test169".
The 166 and 167 is default for WMS/CCM MQTT Server and
WMS/CCM CA Validation in ThinOS.