Setup Guide

Parameters for wnos INI, {username} INI,
and $MAC INI files
This chapter provides the supported parameters that you can use in a wnos.ini file, a {username}.ini file, and in a $MAC.ini file.
To increase usability such as relation to thin client dialog box equivalents, the supported parameters are separated into the
following categories:
General Settings for wnos.ini Files, {username} INI, and $MAC INI Files
Peripheral Settings for wnos.ini Files, {username} INI, and $MAC INI Files
Connection Settings for wnos.ini Files username INI and MAC INI Files
The underlined value for a parameter is the default value. Some parameters also have options shown within brackets [ ]. If
an option has an underlined value (default), that option and default value will automatically be used with the parameter. The
options without underlined values can also be used if you want to, but are not automatically used with the parameter. In
addition, when using parameters and options, you can leave the default value or change it to another value shown.
For example, in the following case where:
ParameterX={yes, no}
[Option1={0, 1}]
[Option2={1, 2, 3, 4}]
If you use ParameterX, then Option1 and its default value 0 will automatically be used as Option1 has an underlined value
(default of 0). You can still use Option2 if you want to, however, Option2 is not automatically used with the parameter as
Option2 does not have a default (underlined) value.
User profile parameters found in the {username}.ini file generally override the identically named global parameters found
in the wnos.ini file, however, some global parameters in this section noted with * do not allow this. Thus, if the parameters
in this section noted with * are used in both a {username}.ini file and in a wnos.ini file, the noted parameters in the wnos.ini
file will override the same noted parameters in the {username}.ini file.
For example, if the parameter Resolution=1024x768 is used in the {username}.ini file and the same parameter
Resolution=1280x1024 is used in the wnos.ini file, the Resolution=1280x1024 in the wnos.ini file will override the Resolution
parameter in the {username}.ini file. Therefore, if you want the parameter Resolution=1024x768 in the {username}.ini file to
be used, you must not use the Resolution parameter in the wnos.ini file.
Parameters in this section noted with ** that are used in a {username}.ini file or $MAC.ini file will return to the values set
for those parameters in the wnos.ini file after a user sign-off.
For example, if your {username}.ini file contains the parameter MouseSwap=1so that the mouse buttons are swapped for
your left-hand use and you log off the thin client, then the MouseSwap value will return to the original default value of
0 (MouseSwap=0) contained in the wnos.ini fileso that others who log in can use their own user profile; assuming the
administrator has not changed the default values in the wnos.ini file.
40 Parameters for wnos INI, {username} INI, and $MAC INI files