Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
For example:
SessionConfig=ICA USBRedirection=HDX AudioQuality=High
Password=PCCOPIDIPKCKPGGC encrypt=yes
VncPassword="NCAOIIBOMPACMOAFMPBJ" Encrypt=yes
VncPrompt=No Accept=5
4. Comment by using a # Sign
As stated earlier, number signs (#) indicate the start of a comment. Comments can begin anywhere on a line. Everything
between the # and the End of Line is ignored.
5. Values with White Spaces Require Quotation Marks
Values of parameters and their options containing white spaces must be placed inside quotation marks (use common-
practice nesting rules).
6. Separate Lists by using Semicolons or Commas
Use semicolons or commas for list separators.
Parameters for a xen.ini file
The following table contains the most commonly used parameters in a xen.ini file.
Some parameters also have options shown within parenthesis [ ]. If an option has an underlined value (default), that
option and default value will be automatically updated along with the parameter, options without underlined values can also
be used if you want to, but are not automatically updated with the parameter.
In addition, when using parameters and options, you can retain the default value or change it to another value shown.
For example, in the following case where:
ParameterX={yes, no}
[Option1={0, 1}]
[Option2={1, 2, 3, 4}]
If you use ParameterX, then Option1 and its default value 0 will automatically updated as Option1 has been underlined (default of
0). You can still use Option2 if you want to, however, Option2 is not automatically along with the parameter as Option2 does not
have a underlined (default) value.
Table 22. Parameters for a xen.ini File
Parameter Description
password=<plain text password>
Password-enc=<encrypted password>
Specifies a certificate file residing in the subfolder cacerts under the
xen folder to load on the nand flash device on platforms with nand
flash, or on the memory.
The length of the filename, including the trailing period and
the file extension, is limited to 64 characters. This is required
when configuring the Citrix Secure Gateway PNAgent Interface
(PNAgent/Lite servers) in the Network Setup dialog box.
Adding certificates are required if the user CSG environments use
certificate agents that are not covered by the built-in certificates.
The certificates are used to validate server identities by your zero
client. Supported files include .crt file on ICA CSG; .cer and .pfx in
802.1x. password and Password-enc are used for .pfx files.
Creating and Using xen.ini Files 165