Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 22. Parameters for a xen.ini File (continued)
Parameter Description
The usage of other settings is self-explanatory. If the BIOS GUI has
respective feature settings, then user can use these INI parameters
to configure those settings.
[CurrentPassword= password NewPassword = password]
This option is used to change the device BIOS password.
CurrenPassword is required. The maximum count of the password
string is 19 bytes.
[AutoPowerDate={yes,no}] This option is used to enable the
system to turn on automatically on a scheduled time and day.
If the value specified is no, the system does not turn on
If the value specified is yes, the system turns on automatically at
the time specified in AutoPowerTime and AutoPowerDays.
AutoPowerTimeThis option specifies the time for the system to
turn on automatically. The value range for hh is 0 - 23 and the range
for mm and ss is 0 - 59.
AutoPowerDaysThis option specifies the day to
turn on the system automatically. For example,
Device=Cmos AutoPowerDate=yes AutoPowerTime=2:30:30
[numlockoff={no, yes}]
[repeatrate={0, 1, 2}]
[repeatdelay={0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}]
DeviceSpecifies the local keyboard.numlockoff Default is no.
Yes/no option to turn off the NumLock of the keyboard.repeatrate
Default is 1. Specifies the keyboard repeat rate.
0 Slow
1 Medium
2 Fastrepeatdelay Default is 2. Specifies the keyboard delay
in seconds, before repeat.
0 1/5
1 1/4
2 1/3
3 1/2
4 3/4
5 1
6 2
7 No Repeat
NOTE: These settings are saved into NVRAM if EnableLocal is
set to yes in the xen.ini file.
disabledKeys=PrtScn;SysRqYou can use this parameter to
disable keys in the keyboard. Use semicolon (;) to separate each
key. Currently, only Prtscn and SysRq keys are supported.
vid_pid={device vid/pin hex format}
Specify the ThinOS Lite to trace USB device data to ftp or USB
For "vid_pid", that is, device Vendor ID and Product ID hex value,
the VID is high 16 bit while Product ID is low 16 bit. This allows to
trace maximum of 8 devices at one time.
For "max_len", set a max len for capturing each USB transfer data.
The default value is 128.
174 Creating and Using xen.ini Files