Administrator Guide

Classic Desktop — Click Shutdown in the Connect Manager or Desktop Menu.
Zero Desktop — Click the Shutdown icon on the Zero Toolbar.
NOTE: You can also congure automatic behavior after all desktop sessions are closed by using the Remote Connections dialog
box, see Central Conguration: Automating Updates and Congurations.
Additional Getting Started Details
This section includes additional details on the following:
Zero Desktop Features
Classic Desktop Features
Login Dialog Box Features
Accessing System Information
Zero Desktop Features
This section includes information on:
Zero Interactive Desktop Guidelines
Zero Toolbar
List of Connections
Zero Interactive Desktop Guidelines
The Zero Desktop has a default background with the Zero Toolbar at the left of the screen.
The Following table lists the available Zero Desktop shortcuts.
Display the Zero Toolbar Ctrl+Alt+UpArrow
Open a selection box for toggling between the desktop and
currently-active connections
Lock the thin client Ctrl+Alt+LeftArrow
Keyboard shortcuts to menu commands Left-Alt+UnderlinedLetter
Capture the full desktop to the clipboard Print Screen
Capture the active window to the clipboard Alt+PrintScreen
Getting Started: Quickly Learning the Basics 11