Administrator Guide

Important Notes
USB 3.0 on Wyse 7010 thin client with ThinOS (Z10D)The Wyse 7010 thin client with ThinOS (Z10D) devices support two USB 3.0
ports. The USB 3.0 is supported on ThinOS 8.1 and compatible with USB 2.0. When USB 2.0 device is connected to 3.0 ports, the
behavior of the device remains unaltered. For USB 3.0 device to connect to 3.0 ports, the device type should be of 5 Gbps. All types of
USB devices work when connected to USB 3.0 port.
Known issue
Camera preview has some known issue.
Create INI options to change the BIOS feature— New INI Parameters are added to change the BIOS feature on the ThinOS devices.
INI Parameters:
[Password=password encrypt={no, yes}]
[BootOrder={PXE, HardDisk, USB}]
[WakeOnLan={yes, no}]
[AutoPower={yes, no}]
[BootFromUSB={yes, no}]
[USBController={yes, no}]
[COMController={yes, no}]
[PopupMenu={yes, no}]
[OnboardAudio={yes, no}]
Supported platforms:
Wyse 3020 thin client with ThinOS (T10D)
Wyse 3030 LT thin client with ThinOS
Wyse 5010 thin client with ThinOS (D10D)
Wyse 5040 AIO thin client (5212)
Wyse 5060 thin client with ThinOS
Wyse 7010 thin client with ThinOS (Z10D)
This feature is supported on the following PCoIP enabled clients:
Wyse 3030 LT thin client with PCoIP
Wyse 5010 thin client with PCoIP (D10DP)
Wyse 5040 thin client with PCoIP (5213)
Wyse 5060 thin client with PCoIP
: For platform Wyse 3020 thin client with ThinOS (T10D), only support options (Password/Encrypt/BootOrder/
AutoPower) are available.
Present the Hardware conguration in ThinOS from BIOS – This feature is displayed in the General tab of System Information. The
tab displays the hardware conguration information from the BIOS. Based on the BIOS, user can view the following six parameters
related to hardware conguration:
CPU Speed, Memory Speed, ROM Size, SSD Size, Parallel Ports, and Serial ports.
Supported platforms:
Wyse 3030 LT thin client with ThinOS
Important Notes 167