Administrator Guide

Conguring the General Options
To congure the general options:
1 From the desktop menu, click System Setup, and then click Remote Connections.
The Remote Connections dialog box is displayed.
2 Click the General Options tab, and use the following guidelines:
a Click the available options to select the action after you exit all open desktops. The available options are None, Sign-o
automatically, Shut down the system automatically and Restart the system automatically.
: By default, None is selected and the thin client automatically returns to the terminal desktop.
b Default Sign-on Username— Enter the Default user name.
c Default Sign-on password— Enter the Default password.
d Default Sign-on Domain— Enter the Default Domain.
e Click Clear locally saved connections to clear locally saved connections.
: If you enter all three default sign-on credentials (Username, Password and Domain), you are automatically
logged on to your desktop upon system start.
Conguring the Authentication settings
To congure the authentication settings:
1 From the desktop menu, click System Setup, and then click Remote Connections.
the Connectivity 43