Reference Guide

[ToolbarAutoQuit={yes, no}]
[EnableLogonMainMenu={no, yes}}
Toolbardisablemouse — Default is no. Yes/no option to disable the
Zero toolbar from automatically displaying once you pause the
mouse pointer on the left side of the screen for a specied amount
of time.
toolbarclick — Default is no. Yes/no option to pop up the toolbar
only if clicking on the left-most side of the screen.
toolbardelaySpecies the seconds to delay before displaying
the toolbar after pausing the mouse pointer on the left-most side of
the screen. The value 0 will have no delay. The other values 1, 2, 3,4
will delay 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 seconds respectively.
toolbar_no_conmgr — Default is no. Yes/no option to hide the
Home button.
toolbar_no_minimizeall — Default is no. Yes/no option to hide the
Home button thus aecting the ability to minimize displayed list of
toolbardisablehotkey — Default is no. Yes/no option to disable the
CTR+ALT+UP ARROW keyboard shortcut that allows the toolbar to
instantly display without a timer.
ToolbarEnableOneSession — Default is no. Yes/no option to
enable the toolbar when only one session is available.
ToolbarAutoQuit — Default is yes. ToolbarAutoQuit=no prevents
the sub-window from being closed. The toolbar will auto-hide after
a certain amount of time after user pause the mouse pointer away
from the toolbar.
ToolbarStay — ToolbarStay={1~20} controls the auto-hide
duration, 0.5s per value. Thus if ToolbarStay=1, the Toolbar will
auto-hide after 0.5 second; If ToolbarStay=10, the Toolbar will auto-
hide after 5 seconds.
EnableLogonMainMenu — Default is no. Yes/no option to enable
the main menu if you click the mouse button on the desktop prior
to logon in Zero mode.
TcpTimeOut={1 , 2}
Default is 1.
Species the timeout value of a TCP connection. The number of 30
seconds for the timeout value of a TCP connection. The value must
be 1 or 2 which means the connection timeout value is from 1x30=
30 seconds to 2x30= 60 seconds.
Values of 3-255 are recognized only for backwards compatibility
that is >2 = 60 seconds, however, these values should not be used
and the value should be set to 2.
[encrypt={no, yes}]
VncPassword Species a string of up to 8 characters as the
password used for shadowing.
encrypt — Default is no. Yes/no option to set according to
whether or not the vncpassword you are using is encrypted.
Parameters for WNOS INI Files Only 37