Reference Guide

[IconTextColor="rrr ggg bbb"] the FTP server wnos\bitmap directory. Default is Wyse wallpaper.
To disable the parameter, leave value blank (Desktop=wysedefault).
Layout — Default is stretch. Species the arrangement on the
desktop background of the bitmap le specied by the Desktop
parameter, if auto dial-up is set, Layout is invalid.
For center, the image is placed in the center of the desktop without
image size change. For tile, the image is replicated across the
desktop. For stretch, the image is modied to ll the desktop.
In dual-monitor mode, the wallpaper is replicated and
specied separately for each monitor, instead of being shared
by the two monitors.
IconTextColorSpecies the icon text color in RGB string format
that must be enclosed in quotes, where rrr, ggg and bbb are
decimal numbers in the range of 0 to 255.
[Action={extract, restore}]
[encrypt={no, yes}]
[BootOrder={PXE, HardDisk, USB}]
[WakeOnLan={yes, no}]
[AutoPower={yes, no}]
[BootFromUSB={yes, no}]
[USBController={yes, no}]
[COMController={yes, no}]
[PopupMenu={yes, no}]
[OnboardAudio={yes, no}]
[Bluetooth={yes, no}]
CMOS management (extract and restore cmos settings).
Extract — For extract action, CMOS content is saved to the le:
$PF_cmos.$VER .
$PF - Is the name of the platform, including C10, C00, R10,
R00, and VL10.
$VER - Is the version of the BIOS, such as
1.0B_SPC001(1.0B_SPC001-0407), 1.0B-0407(Zilch),
1.0H_SPC-0T51(R10, R00), 1.19R(VL10).
Wyse ThinOS log: "CMOS: extract to $PF_cmos.$VER"
Restore — For restore action, CMOS content is updated from the
Wyse ThinOS log: "CMOS: restore from $PF_cmos.$VER"
When using this feature, there should be a special INI user name
such as cmos. The associated ini/cmos.ini should include one line as
Device=cmos Action=extract.
NOTE: Do not include Device=cmos Action=extract in a
global INI le such as wnos.ini, as it will take no eect if it
is included in the global INI le.
After the administrator congures the CMOS on a template unit,
the administrator should sign on to the cmos account on ThinOS to
have the CMOS content saved to the cmos le on a writable File
Server wnos directory.
Then, the wnos.ini should be congured with Device=CMOS
action=restore, so that all target units will be updated with the
same CMOS setting as the template unit after reboot.
Once the restore action is nished, both the Device=cmos
Action=extract and Device=CMOS action=restore should be
removed from the related INI les.
Parameters for WNOS INI, {username} INI, and $MAC INI Files