Reference Guide

Values include: English, us, French, fr, German, de, Chinese
Simplied, gb, Chinese Traditional, b5, Japanese, jp, Korean, ko,
Latin, la.
load=yes/no species whether or not to load the language le. The
language le must end with the locale name and be placed under
the folder wnos/locale in the le server.
For example, if you want to specify French and load the
localized messages, you must place a le named French.msg
under the folder wnos/locale in the le server, and then add
Locale=French load=yes in the INI le. You can use Local=fr
instead of Locale=French.
For Chinese Simplied, Chinese Traditional, Japanese, and
Korean localization, a font le must also be placed under the
folder wnos/font in the le server.
For example, if you want to specify the system language to
be Japanese, you must place a le named Japanese.msg
under the folder wnos/locale in the le server, place a le
named Japanese.fnt under the folder wnos/font in the le
server, and then add Locale=Japanese load=yes in the INI
If you are under a Wyse maintenance contract, you can
download .fnt and .msg les from your My Downloads page
in the Self-Service Center.
If you are not under maintenance and wish to gain access to
these les, you must complete a product registration.
LocaleListSpecies a list of locale, so that a user can switch
the system language as needed.
Values include: English, us, French, fr, German, de, Chinese
Simplied, gb, Chinese Traditional, b5, Japanese, jp, Korean, ko,
Latin, la.
All the values will be displayed in the GUI. To view the GUI, click
System Preference > General > Locale. Be sure to place the
necessary les, for example German.msg, Japanese.msg,
Japanese.fnt, and so on under the correct folders as described in
the Locale parameter description.
**Password=<sign-on password>
[encrypt={no, yes}]
Species the password as the sign-on password; no minimum
length; maximum length is 64 characters.
In a wnos.ini le — If set to the default password, the system will
sign on automatically and not wait for username, password, and
domain entries.
In a [username].ini le — Be sure it is the encrypted password of
the user or the system will fail to sign on. This can be changed by a
user, if allowed, in the Sign-on dialog box.
encrypt — Default is no. Yes/no option to use an encrypted string
for a password in the INI le instead of clear text. If encrypt=yes,
the password in the INI is an ecrypted string instead of cleartext .
For example:
48 Parameters for WNOS INI, {username} INI, and $MAC INI Files