Reference Guide

Getting Started: Learning INI File Basics
In this chapter you will learn how to construct and use the supported INI les.
It includes:
Downloading and Using Sample INI Files
Supported INI Files You can Construct
Rules and Recommendations for Constructing the INI Files
Placing the INI Files into the Folder Structure on the Server
After you become familiar with the INI le basics, you can refer to the parameter details you need in the other chapters and appendixes of
this guide.
Downloading and Using Sample INI Files
Rules and Recommendations for Constructing the INI Files
Placing the INI Files into the Folder Structure on the Server
Downloading and Using Sample INI Files
ThinOS Sample INI les are available from Dell and can be modied to suit the individual connection prole needs for your users. These
sample les are annotated to allow you to use them as a starter set that you can modify to get your le server up and running.
To download and use the les:
1 From the le server machine on which you want to load the INI les for use, go to the Knowledge Base at
2 On the Knowledge Base page, type sample.ini in the search text box, and then click Go.
3 In the resulting solutions Title list, click the reference guide link for the ThinOS version you are using.
4 In the resulting attachments Name list, click the Sample User INI link for the zip le you want to open, for example,, and use the File Download dialog box.
After downloading the self-extracting sample INI le to the le server you want, double-click the Sample_ini.exe le, and then modify
the le using an ASCII text editor as needed for your use.
Supported INI Files you can Construct
The INI les contain the parameters and its associated options and values necessary for the various functionality you want.
For examples of parameters commonly used for basic deployments, see Examples: Basic Deployments.
You can construct the following INI les:
wnos.ini le, see Working with wnos.ini Files.
{username}.ini le, see Working with {username}.ini Files.
$MAC.ini le, see Working with $MAC.ini Files.
Getting Started: Learning INI File Basics 7