Reference Guide

This option is used to override the default method of
browsing established in the ICABrowsing parameter. For
information, see Table 7: Connection Settings: wnos.ini les,
{username} INI, and $MAC INI Files.
Icon={default, bitmap le}
Species an icon to appear on the thin client desktop for a
connection. Use Icon=default to display a system default icon for a
To use an icon other than the default icon, enter the name with
extension of the bitmap le; ensure that the le is located in the
FTP server wnos\bitmap directory. If Icon= is not specied and the
icon is not specied by a PNAgent/PNLite server, no icon is
displayed for a connection.
KeepAlive={0 to 127}
Species the number of minutes to keep a session connected after
the session is inactive. During this period, one dummy packet will be
sent to the server if network trac is lost. Default is 10.
LocalCopy={no, yes}
Default is no.
Yes/no option to save the connection to the local NVRAM.
The connection description of the Description option is used as the
index key into the local connection table. If a match is found, then
the entry is updated. Otherwise, a new entry is created.
Maximum total of local entries is 16.
Logon_mode={local-user, smartcard, user-specied} Default is local-user.
Species how users authenticate to the selected application set or
ICA connection.
Lowband={no, yes}
Default is no.
Yes/no option to enable optimization for low speed connections
such as reducing audio quality and/or decreasing protocol-specic
cache size.
Mapdisks={no, yes}
Default is no.
Yes/no option to auto-connect and map any connected USB ash
drive upon connection start.
[NO_FontSmoothing={no, yes}]
Default is no.—font smoothing is enabled by default.
Yes/no option to disable font smoothing. If set to yes, the font
smoothing is disabled.
NoReducer={no, yes}
Default is no.
Yes/no option to turn o compression. Default is no, which enables
compression. To turn o compression, enter yes.
86 Connect Parameter: Options