Release Notes

Supported platforms
Wyse 3030 LT thin client with ThinOS
Wyse 3030 LT thin client with PCoIP
Wyse 3040 thin client with ThinOS
Wyse 3040 thin client with PCoIP
Wyse 5010 thin client with ThinOS
Wyse 5010 thin client with PCoIP
Wyse 5040 thin client with ThinOS
Wyse 5040 thin client with PCoIP
Wyse 5060 thin client with ThinOS
Wyse 5060 thin client with PCoIP
Wyse 7010 thin client with ThinOS
Blast feature matrix
The following table lists the blast feature matrix on ThinOS:
Table 3. Blast feature matrix
Blast features Support on ThinOS Comments/ Known issues
H.264 ooad No Supports release later than ThinOS 8.4
VDI desktops Yes N/A
RDSH desktops Yes N/A
RDSH applications Yes Application window does not support Seamless mode. For example, all
applications open in single window because of the VMware limitation.
6 Dell Wyse ThinOS Version 8.4
Release Notes