Deployment Guide

Table 6. Connection Settings: wnos.ini files only (continued)
Parameter Description
For example, if the sign on user is user_111 in a
domain, and the user_111 belongs to group domain
user and group tc_grp1_ad, the option is configured as
AdGroupPrefix=tc_grp1. If the configuration file adgroup/
tc_grp1_ad.ini is available, it will be loaded.
ClearUserThe option keyword ClearUser, if set to yes,
clears the username when login fails, and if set to no, retains
username entered after login failure. The default value is no.
DisableSignoffThe option keyword DisableSignoff, if set
to yes, disables signoff button from shutdown and connection
manager window. Also this parameter disables the logoff
button on StoreFront desktop.
SFZeroButtonsThe option keyword SFZeroButtons. if set
to yes, displays the buttons (shutdown, login and so on) at
the bottom of signon window, such as Zero mode when set
StoreFront style.
SignonStatusColorThe option specifies the signon status
text color in RGB string format (must be enclosed in quotes),
where rrr, ggg, and bbb are decimal numbers in the range of 0
to 255. By default, the status text color is gray for ThinOS.
Speedbrowser={on, off}
Default is on.
On/off option to enable the ICA Speedscreen Browser
Acceleration Function.
SysMode={classic, vdi, VMware, Citrix}
[toolbardisable={no, yes}]
no, yes}]
[toolbarclick={no, yes}]
[toolbar_no_conmgr={no, yes}]
no, yes}]
[toolbardisablehotkey={no, yes}]
[ToolbarEnableOneSession={no, yes}]
yes, no}]
[EnableLogonMainMenu={no, yes}}
SysMode Specifies the Zero interface optimized for VDI
or the Classic interface. This value will be remembered across
reboots until changed. If not defined and an INI is present,
Classic mode is the default. If no INI is present, VDI mode is
the default.
Classic mode has full taskbar, desktop and connection
manager and is recommended for a terminal server
environment and for backward compatibility with WTOS 6.x.
VDI mode (Zero interface) has a new launchpad-style
interface optimized for full-screen sessions that is Desktops.
Everything you need is accessed through an always available
overlay interface.
VMware mode looks similar to VDI mode but only allows
VMware horizon broker. Login window and wallpaper is
specific to horizon.
Citrix mode makes the client turn to Xenith. Xen.ini is prefered
in the next reboot.
NOTE: VMware mode and Citrix mode can only be used
under wnos.ini. ZeroTheme is the alias for SysMode. You
can also use ZeroTheme=xxx in wnos.ini.
The following options allow you to configure only when the
Zero toolbar displays under VDI mode:
Toolbardisable Default is no. Yes/no option to disable
the Zero toolbar from displaying; if set to yes, this option
overrules other toolbar display options.
Parameters for wnos INI files only