Reference Guide

Parameters for wnos INI les only
This chapter provides the supported parameters that you can use in a wnos.ini le.
For information to help you construct and use the supported INI les, see Getting Started Learning INI File Basics.
Parameters in Connection Settings for wnos.ini Files Only can only be used in a wnos.ini le; they cannot be used in a {username}.ini
To increase usability such as relation to thin client dialog box equivalents, the supported parameters are separated into the following
General Settings for wnos.ini Files Only
Peripheral Settings for wnos.ini Files Only
Connection Settings for wnos.ini Files Only
The underlined value for a parameter is the default value. Some parameters also have options shown within brackets [ ]. If an option
has an underlined default value, that option and default value will automatically be used with the parameter; options without underlined
values can also be used if you want to, but are not automatically used with the parameter.
In addition, when using parameters and options, you can leave the default value or change it to another value shown. For example, in
the following case where:
ParameterX={yes, no}
[Option1={0, 1}]
[Option2={1, 2, 3, 4}]
If you use ParameterX, then Option1 and its default value 0 will automatically be used as Option1 has an underlined default value of 0.
You can still use Option2 if you want to, however, Option2 is not automatically used with the parameter as Option2 does not have an
underlined default value.
General Settings for wnos.INI Files Only
The following table contains the parameters used for conguring general settings. The underlined values are default values.
Table 4.
General Settings: wnos.ini les only
Parameter Description
AutoLoad={0, 1, 2, 101, 102, 201, 202}
[LoadPkg={0, 1, 2}]
[AddPkg={pkg1_name, pkg2_name, …}]
[DelPkg={pkg1_name, pkg2_name, …}]
AutoLoad— Default is 1. Species the rmware update mode. The
following are the values and associated actions:
0 — Disables checking for image.
1— Enables forced rmware upgrade/downgrade process. This is
the default value.
Parameters for wnos INI les only 11