Administrator Guide

AutoConnect=Yes \
Password=xyz \
Fullscreen=Yes \
Table 12. VNC Viewer Connect Parameter Options
Options Description
AutoConnect={yes, no} Default is no.
It starts the connection automatically at sign-on, if AutoConnect
is set to yes.
Colors ={True_Color, 0, 1, 2, 16, 24} Default is True_Color
Species how many colors to display. True_Color species full
color, 0 species 8 colors, 1 species 64 colors, and 2 species
256 colors.
For backward compatibility, 16 and 24 values are also accepted.
In these cases, 16 is mapped to 1 (that is 64 colors) and 24 is
mapped to 2 (that is 256 colors).
Compression=<integer{1 to 6}> Default is 2
Sets compression level to the specied value, where 0 = Low
and 6 = High.
Description=< String> Default is none.
Connection name. Provides a connection name for the Desktop
icon and the Connection Manager.
CAUTION: The must be enclosed in double quotation
marks if it contains spaces or punctuation characters.
The following characters are not allowed: & ‘ “ $ ? ! | ;
( ) [ ] { } \
FullScreen={ yes, no} Default is no.
VNC session will run at full screen, if FullScreen is set to yes.
Host= <host address>[;<host
Default is none
Species a host or lists of host values. The thin client attempts
to connect to the next server on the list if the current one fails.
The list items must be separated by semicolons or commas.
NOTE: This parameter is mandatory.
Icon=<image le> Species an icon to appear on the local desktop or Connection
Manager. The le must be located in the server wlx2/bitmap
directory. If not specied, the default icon is displayed except in
the case of a published application. A PNG, JPEG or GIF may be
used. XPM is permitted for backward compatibility.
JpegQuality=<integer{0 - 9}> Default is 8