Administrator Guide

b. Interpret DHCP Vendor-Specic Info — Select this check box for automatic interpretation of the vendor information.
c. DHCP Vendor ID — Shows the DHCP Vendor ID when the dynamically allocated over DHCP/BOOTP option is selected.
d. DHCP UserClass ID — Shows the DHCP UserClass ID when the dynamically allocated over DHCP/BOOTP option is
3. Click OK to save the settings.
Conguring the ENET settings
To congure the ENET settings:
1. From the desktop menu, click System Setup, and then click Network Setup.
The Network Setup dialog box is displayed.
2. Click the ENET tab, and use the following guidelines:
a. Ethernet Speed —Normally the default (Auto-Detect) should be selected, but another selection can be made if automatic
negotiation is not supported by your network equipment. Selections include Auto-Detect, 10 MB Half-Duplex, 10 MB Full-
Duplex, 100 MB Half-Duplex, 100 MB Full-Duplex, and 1 GB Full-Duplex.
The 10 MB Full-Duplex option can be selected locally at the device, however, this mode may need to be negotiated through
b. The IPV4 check box is selected by default. Click Properties to set various options supported by IPV4.
Dynamically allocated over DHCP/BOOTP — Selecting this option enables your thin client to automatically receive
information from the DHCP server. The network administrator must congure the DHCP server using DHCP options to