Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
Implemented a rule to force usage of complex passwords for VNC or Admin Mode. See, Dell Wyse ThinOS 9.0 MR1 Release
Notes at
What's new in ThinOS 9.0?
ThinOS 9.0 is a Citrix-specific release. Other broker agent connections such as VMware, RDP, and Amazon WorkSpaces are
not supported. You must use either Wyse Management Suite or the local Admin Policy Tool to manage your systems as INI
parameters are not supported in ThinOS 9.0. This section provides information about the new and enhanced features that are
delivered in ThinOS 9.0.
ThinOS enhancements
Notification messages when firmware or packages are deployed using Wyse Management Suite, see Upgrading the
ThinOS firmware
Enhanced user interface with modern desktop and icons, see Desktop overview.
Supports a local admin console (Admin Policy Tool), see Configure the Admin Policy Tool.
Integrates Citrix Workspace app into ThinOS 9.0.
Citrix updates
Supports the workspace mode, see Configure the Citrix broker setup.
Supports Browser Content Redirection, see Browser Content Redirection.
Supports Adaptive Transport with EDT, see Citrix HDX Adaptive transport.
Supports Adaptive Display V2, see Citrix HDX Adaptive Display V2.
Supports NetScaler Native OTP, see Citrix NetScaler Native OTP.
Supports Federated Authentication (SAML/Azure AD), see Citrix Federated Authentication Service SAML with Microsoft
Azure Active Directory.
Supports desktop viewer or toolbar in a Citrix session, see Workspace mode.
Supports Unicode Keyboard Layout Mapping with Windows VDA, see Keyboard enhancements.
Management software
Supports Wyse Management Suite version 2.0
What's new in Wyse Management Suite 2.0?
This section provides information about the new and enhanced features that are delivered in Wyse Management Suite 2.0.
ThinOS 9.0 support
Provision to upgrade ThinOS 8.6 to ThinOS 9.0, see Upgrade ThinOS 8.6 to ThinOS 9.x.
Provision to upload and push ThinOS 9.0 application packages, see Upload and push ThinOS 9.0 application packages.
Provision to create Select groups for ThinOS 9.0, see Managing groups and configurations.
Wyse Management Suite enhancements
Enhanced user interface to configure ThinOS 9.0 settings, see Edit the ThinOS 9.x policy settings.
Feature comparison between ThinOS 9.0 and ThinOS
The following table provides a feature comparison between ThinOS 9.0 and ThinOS 8.6 local configurations:
Table 1. Feature comparison
Category Feature ThinOS 9.0 ThinOS 8.6
Operating System Signoff, Lock, shut down,
Supported Supported
Sleep mode Supported Supported
Reset to factory default
Supported Supported
First Boot Wizard Supported Supported
10 Introduction